Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's time to get things going

At our church, we are organizing to become more effective at reaching our community for Christ. In the near future, we will begin to direct mail postcards to our neighbors. Teams of church members will place door hangers on the doors of those we sent cards to. Our desire is to create enthusiasm on the part of the church while we reach out to those that are around us.

We have some good news to report. A couple joined our church on Sunday. We hope to see others join soon. I had a couple call me today asking if they would be welcome in our church. May God continue to give us an increase.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Welcome to our church

We love the city of Pensacola. Let me encourage you to come to one of our church services this Sunday. Pine Forest Estates Baptist Church is located at 255o West Nine Mile Rd. Currently we are in the process of trying to make our campus as first-time friendly as possible. If you come, I trust that you will find us friendly. God's word is clearly preached/taught in all of our services. Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday night 7:00 p.m. For the month of August, we are meeting in our Family Life Center for Sunday services and the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday nights. When we return to the auditorium in September, we anticipate enjoying a new paint scheme, new audio visual capabilities, and more fellowship space at the entry way.

In the beginning

Let me take the first post of this new blog to lay a foundational commitment to upholding a Christian world view. I am an independant Baptist pastor who holds to an inerrant Bible. The command to the church is for us to make disciples. Though we are traditional in our literal approach to understanding God's word, we are aware of the culture around us and desire to win people to Jesus Christ. With that, we begin our efforts to have a voice in a technological age.