Time goes by so quickly. Before you know it, winter will be just a memory. I say this four days after Christmas. Be sure you start the new year right. There are only so many chances to get a new start. The way we begin often determines how we will finish. In the last few days of 2009, take some time to set some goals for 2010. In 12 short months, we will all be talking about the best or worst things that happened in a year we have not yet even begun. What will you do with 2010?
May God help us to draw closer to Him this year. May we look for new opportunities to tell someone about Him. May we be open to His daily leading in our lives. Lord, help us to be faithful in the coming year.
The personal thoughts of Pastor Mike Davis, pastor of Pine Forest Estates Baptist Church.
Welcome to The Pine Cone
This blog is for the benefit of the members and friends of Pine Forest Estates Baptist Church in Pensacola, FL. I hope to provide encouragement and usable information for all who visit. In the end, all the comments and content found here are meant to help develop a greater sense of community for the PFEBC family. If you live in the Pensacola area, I would like to invite you to visit our church at 2550 West Nine Mile Rd.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Evaluating Ministry Cycles
Church ministry is to be done on purpose. In order to do that, from time to time, we have to ask ourselves what we are doing and why we do it. I came across the following information while reading a Strategic Planning Report completed for a group of Regular Baptist Churches in Iowa. The full report can be read at www.iarbc.org
The following is prepared by Phil Fogle for members of the Strategic Planning Committee of the Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches.
Recently, I attended a seminar hosted by ECFA (Evangelical Council for FinancialAccountability). The President, Paul Nelson, discussed there (and in the last FOCUS [Second Quarter 2005] newsletter) the issue of life cycles of ministries and encouraged each member organization to evaluate their position in the life cycle. We were encouraged to match the various characteristics of each season of ministry life to our own organization.
Four Generations Theory
Infancy--Ignored--------Innocency-----Revival/Spiritual Awakening
Youth----Persecuted----Vigorous-------Life/Explosive Growth
Senior---Irrelevant------Nostalgia------Decline Over-Cautiousness
“The life of organizations often parallels the life of people. When a ministry is formed, it is something like an infant. Some might think it is novel, but its influence is negligible and the public response is a yawn. But ministry beginnings are often characterized by the revival spirit in which a Vision is born, and as it grows, it takes on a youthful and robust development that eventually gets results that attract attention – sometimes persecution.”
“As time passes, the ministry matures and becomes a stable organization. It gains respect and is viewed as a credible witness and outreach for Christ. At some point, the organization faces a challenge of reinventing itself, usually through the same revival spirit in which it was born, and it becomes useful again. Some organizations, however, don’t achieve that renewal, and move into a senior status where they become irrelevant to the society around them, which is really very little different from when they were ignored as an infant organization.”
Paul Nelson states: “Some ministries are like some people that we all know. Some never grow up. Others grow old before their time. Some ministries make a profound difference with their energy, their boldness, and their mature judgment. They become reliable, they encourage fellow believers, and they make a mark for Christ. Success does not cloud their sense of purpose, their faith does not waiver in times of financial shortage or surplus.”
Paul Nelson’s last sentence reads: “May His call on your life carry your organization forward to its maturity and then toward its renewal, in order that you avoid the irrelevance that eventually will occur if you do not.”
Church ministry is to be done on purpose. In order to do that, from time to time, we have to ask ourselves what we are doing and why we do it. I came across the following information while reading a Strategic Planning Report completed for a group of Regular Baptist Churches in Iowa. The full report can be read at www.iarbc.org
The following is prepared by Phil Fogle for members of the Strategic Planning Committee of the Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches.
Recently, I attended a seminar hosted by ECFA (Evangelical Council for FinancialAccountability). The President, Paul Nelson, discussed there (and in the last FOCUS [Second Quarter 2005] newsletter) the issue of life cycles of ministries and encouraged each member organization to evaluate their position in the life cycle. We were encouraged to match the various characteristics of each season of ministry life to our own organization.
Four Generations Theory
Infancy--Ignored--------Innocency-----Revival/Spiritual Awakening
Youth----Persecuted----Vigorous-------Life/Explosive Growth
Senior---Irrelevant------Nostalgia------Decline Over-Cautiousness
“The life of organizations often parallels the life of people. When a ministry is formed, it is something like an infant. Some might think it is novel, but its influence is negligible and the public response is a yawn. But ministry beginnings are often characterized by the revival spirit in which a Vision is born, and as it grows, it takes on a youthful and robust development that eventually gets results that attract attention – sometimes persecution.”
“As time passes, the ministry matures and becomes a stable organization. It gains respect and is viewed as a credible witness and outreach for Christ. At some point, the organization faces a challenge of reinventing itself, usually through the same revival spirit in which it was born, and it becomes useful again. Some organizations, however, don’t achieve that renewal, and move into a senior status where they become irrelevant to the society around them, which is really very little different from when they were ignored as an infant organization.”
Paul Nelson states: “Some ministries are like some people that we all know. Some never grow up. Others grow old before their time. Some ministries make a profound difference with their energy, their boldness, and their mature judgment. They become reliable, they encourage fellow believers, and they make a mark for Christ. Success does not cloud their sense of purpose, their faith does not waiver in times of financial shortage or surplus.”
Paul Nelson’s last sentence reads: “May His call on your life carry your organization forward to its maturity and then toward its renewal, in order that you avoid the irrelevance that eventually will occur if you do not.”
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Eight Questions I’m Going to Ask the Young Man Who Wants to Marry My Daughter « Theology Central
Here are some good thoughts to ponder for those who are considering marriage or those who have children considering marriage.
Eight Questions I’m Going to Ask the Young Man Who Wants to Marry My Daughter « Theology Central
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Church Website Updated
After much time and effort, our church has rolled out a new website. I appreciate all the effort that has gone into this project. Several folks have been helping us gather pictures. Soon, we will add many of these to enhance the site even more. Our hope is that the website will become a useful source of information for our church family as well as those who are looking for a church in Pensacola. A special thanks goes out to Dave Downey for his work on the site.
For those who are either members or friends of PFEBC, I have a favor to ask. We will be adding content to the site each week. Please visit regularly to see what has changed. This activity will accomplish several different goals.
- You will get in the habit of visiting http://www.pfebaptist.org/
- You will be able to tell other about the information that is provided on the site.
- The number of regular visits to our website will be increased.
If you have any suggestions about content or functions that could be added to the church website, please let us know.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Thank You
It is an amazing privilege to serve at Pine Forest Estates Baptist Church. At the end of the service on Sunday morning, after I had already walked to the front doors to greet members and guests, I heard an announcement that the church was going to have a pastor appreciation fellowship after the evening service. Our church family is so generous to me and my family. I hope the church knows how much I appreciate them.
Several members in the church as well as the church as a whole gave me gifts of appreciation. These gifts are never expected, but they are appreciated. I used the gifts to purchase a new computer for my personal study. My old computer finished dieing a slow death on Sunday afternoon. God's provision is amazing. I also purchased a Wii Fit for our family. Now I have no exuse, and I have a little accountablility. Because of the church's generosity, our family was also able to do something nice for "someone else." May God bless PFEBC.
Several members in the church as well as the church as a whole gave me gifts of appreciation. These gifts are never expected, but they are appreciated. I used the gifts to purchase a new computer for my personal study. My old computer finished dieing a slow death on Sunday afternoon. God's provision is amazing. I also purchased a Wii Fit for our family. Now I have no exuse, and I have a little accountablility. Because of the church's generosity, our family was also able to do something nice for "someone else." May God bless PFEBC.
Friday, September 18, 2009
New Facebook Group
Let me encourage all of you who are on Facebook to check out our new group: Pine Forest Estates Baptist Church - Pensacola, FL. It is one more way for us to stay in touch and also communicate what is going on at our church to a larger community. The approach that we are taking right now is one of saturation. We want to get our name out into the community in as many positive ways as possible. Many of our "friends" are in the Pensacola area. Let me invite you to come and check us out.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Evangelist Dave Young

Fall Revival: September 20-24
The Dave Young Evangelistic Association has been in existence since the fall of 1994 and was founded by Evangelist Dave Young. Dave was born in East Tennessee and has been preaching for over 20 years now. His wife is Bethlie (Dennis) of Newark, Ohio and they have five children. Dave has preached in over 1,000 churches, schools, colleges, and camps in 44 states and in four different countries, including Canada, Belarus, and Moldova. They have a three-pronged ministry: Revival and Evangelistic Campaigns, Family Matters Conferences, and overseas missions work.
The Dave Young Revival Campaigns are 4-8 day crusades in local churches. The team works with the local church congregation to see genuine revival in the church as well as to help win the local community to Christ. They have often traveled with a team in order to provide special music, conduct congregational singing (worship), play instrumentals, and to co-ordinate and conduct a Children's Revival Hour. Of course, Dave preaches the Word of God.
Monday, September 14, 2009
They Were Happy!
When you read the story of the Queen of Sheba coming to visit King Solomon, there is a lot to take in. She was amazed by everything that she saw. It couldn't be as good as she was told. Nothing is ever that good. When it was all said and done, she told Solomon that the half had not been told to her.
If you are not careful, you will miss something in this story about those that served Solomon. The Bible says that they were happy. They were happy as they worked. What a difference that had to make, for people to get up and go to work, and everyone was happy. It is possible to be happy while you work. God's people should at least be happy in the service of their King. May God help each of us to enjoy our service to the Lord. When we get together next time for fellowship, make sure that you enjoy yourself.
If you are not careful, you will miss something in this story about those that served Solomon. The Bible says that they were happy. They were happy as they worked. What a difference that had to make, for people to get up and go to work, and everyone was happy. It is possible to be happy while you work. God's people should at least be happy in the service of their King. May God help each of us to enjoy our service to the Lord. When we get together next time for fellowship, make sure that you enjoy yourself.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Revival Meeting with Dr. Dave Young
We are looking forward to our fall revival meeting with Dr. Dave Young coming up September 20-24. Bro. Dave will speak in Sunday School and the Morning and Evening Services on Sunday. He will also preach Monday through Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m.
For those who know Bro. Dave, we are excited about seeing him again. For those who have never heard him speak, he is a dynamic speaker who challenges the heart from God's Word. Dave and his family travel all across the country with their 5th wheel motor home and tractor trailor. As a full-time evangelist, he is in about 40 different churches each year.
We are planning prayer meetings in advance of the revival meeting. Make your plans to join us for prayer and preparation for God to do a work in our hearts.
For those who know Bro. Dave, we are excited about seeing him again. For those who have never heard him speak, he is a dynamic speaker who challenges the heart from God's Word. Dave and his family travel all across the country with their 5th wheel motor home and tractor trailor. As a full-time evangelist, he is in about 40 different churches each year.
We are planning prayer meetings in advance of the revival meeting. Make your plans to join us for prayer and preparation for God to do a work in our hearts.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Working Together
The new colors are warm and friendly. The welcome center is beautiful. Glass doors dress up the front entry. The new screen is amazing. The sound booth has new capabilities. Stage lighting adds to the warmth. The worship space is comfortable and inviting.
May we continue to work together to reach our community for Christ. May we continue to gather together for fellowship and encouragement. I love being part of Pine Forest Estates Baptist Church. We serve an amazing God.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A Fresh Look
We are in the process of giving our auditorium a fresh look. This has been an exciting process, although somewhat tiring as well. In our new space we hope to worship and have fellowship together. We hope that visitors will find the atmosphere warm and friendly. There is just something exciting about things that are new.
In Jesus Christ, all things are made new. May our excitement about decorations, paint colors, doors, and a welcome center cause us to remember who we serve. The creator of the universe made us for His own glory. As we grow day by day, ask the Lord to help us as we are being conformed into the image of Christ. May our excitement for Him exceed the joy that we get out of any other activity this week.
In Jesus Christ, all things are made new. May our excitement about decorations, paint colors, doors, and a welcome center cause us to remember who we serve. The creator of the universe made us for His own glory. As we grow day by day, ask the Lord to help us as we are being conformed into the image of Christ. May our excitement for Him exceed the joy that we get out of any other activity this week.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
It's time to get things going
At our church, we are organizing to become more effective at reaching our community for Christ. In the near future, we will begin to direct mail postcards to our neighbors. Teams of church members will place door hangers on the doors of those we sent cards to. Our desire is to create enthusiasm on the part of the church while we reach out to those that are around us.
We have some good news to report. A couple joined our church on Sunday. We hope to see others join soon. I had a couple call me today asking if they would be welcome in our church. May God continue to give us an increase.
We have some good news to report. A couple joined our church on Sunday. We hope to see others join soon. I had a couple call me today asking if they would be welcome in our church. May God continue to give us an increase.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Welcome to our church

We love the city of Pensacola. Let me encourage you to come to one of our church services this Sunday. Pine Forest Estates Baptist Church is located at 255o West Nine Mile Rd. Currently we are in the process of trying to make our campus as first-time friendly as possible. If you come, I trust that you will find us friendly. God's word is clearly preached/taught in all of our services. Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday night 7:00 p.m. For the month of August, we are meeting in our Family Life Center for Sunday services and the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday nights. When we return to the auditorium in September, we anticipate enjoying a new paint scheme, new audio visual capabilities, and more fellowship space at the entry way.
In the beginning
Let me take the first post of this new blog to lay a foundational commitment to upholding a Christian world view. I am an independant Baptist pastor who holds to an inerrant Bible. The command to the church is for us to make disciples. Though we are traditional in our literal approach to understanding God's word, we are aware of the culture around us and desire to win people to Jesus Christ. With that, we begin our efforts to have a voice in a technological age.
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