A couple of weeks ago, it was our church's privilege to host Evangelist Dave Young's family while he was preaching in New Mexico. After he returned, while he was still in the area, he had some art work added to the side of his "big red truck." The logo advertises a new evangelistic website that he has put together.
Let me encourage you to visit www.considerjesuschrist.org
I have seen a few different websites that promote salvation, but this site gets the flavor right. It's not overly trendy, but it still looks modern. I agree with the articles that are posted on the pages. It's not the kind of presentation that runs people off before they have a chance to make a decision about Christ. My prayer is that as Bro. Dave travels, folks will take the time to check out the website. My greater prayer is that souls will be saved as a result of his not being afraid to identify with the name of Jesus Christ.