Saturday, November 9, 2013

Working Together

Today, I had the joy of working alongside many of the members of our church.  We all played our parts. No one was above anyone else. No one matterred more.  We worked together.  It is truly amazing what God's people can accomplish when they work together.

Our hearts are full as as we dream of what God will do through us. To those who are taking part, enjoy the process. This is the joy of the ministry.  May each generation in our church enjoy this kind of fellowship with us. It is wonderful for brethren to dwell together and serve together in unity.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


The theme of this fall at our church is outreach.  Praise the Lord for three ladies who came to know Christ as their Savior at our Ladies Luncheon.  Our hearts were challenged as Brent Gellos and Mike Taylor spoke to us during our Outreach Conference.

Last Sunday, we had a 10 year old girl accept Christ in the morning service.  What is obvious is that God is still willing to save.  It's up to his people to share the gospel.  Join us as we organize to reach our community for Christ.

The next evangelistic event that we are working on is our Christmas play The Other Wise Man directed Ray Gibbs.  The whole church is coming together to form the cast, build the set, and stage the event on December 6-8.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

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 Resurrection Sunday
This Sunday is one of the days out of the year that folks go to church.  Our church will celebrate the day with several different activities meant to remind us of the significance of the resurrection.  Some of our members will meet early for a sunrise service, we will have a special treasure hunt for the kids, and we will observe the Lord's Supper.  In the evening service, we will enjoy a dramatic presentation. 

For those who are believers, we worship together on Sunday's because of the resurrection.  There is a sense in which every Sunday is special.  The early church gathered on the first day of the week. This Sunday is special, but every Sunday is special.  If people come to church on a special day, we will be happy to share the truth of Jesus with them. If folks come just because it is a special day, to satisfy their consciences, they will be missing the real meaning of the resurrection.

As you celebrate Easter this year, make sure that the resurrection is what it is all about.  Next Sunday, make still all about the resurrection.  If Christ be not raised from the dead, our faith is in vain.