God's people need to be more conscious about the opportunities that they have to be a witness for Him. We bring glory to God when we tell the story of what He has done in our lives. Most people who come to know Christ do it as a result of someone they know sharing what God has done for them. The question that we have to ask ourselves is whether or not we believe the words of Jesus. Is there really only one way to get to heaven? If we believe that, then we need to tell our story.
It's pretty simple. Start with the phrase, "The greatest thing that ever happened in my life is ..." Tell someone what you were like before you came to know Jesus. Don't glory in all the details. Simply paint the picture that you were a sinner and then share what happened in your life that God used to get your attention. You will be amazed at how people can relate. At this point, explain how you trusted Jesus to be your savior. Make sure you include the important details. You recognized that you were a sinner. You accepted that fact that because of your sin, you deserved to die and spend eternity separated from God. You believed that Jesus died on the cross to take your punishment and pay the penalty for your sin. Then as best as you knew how, you placed your trust in Jesus to be your savior. Finally, share how your life is different since you became a follower of Jesus. You can be an encouragement to someone else that their life can be different if they will accept Jesus Christ to be their Savior.
Maybe after reading this you say, "That's too simple. You've got to say more than that to lead someone to Christ." What I'm talking about is being a witness. Telling your story can open the door to you getting a chance to lead someone to Christ. As long as you clearly tell people what you did to accept Christ, then you are giving enough information for them to make the same decision. If you are really not sure that you have explained it right and the person you are talking to is truly interested, call your pastor or your Sunday school teacher. There is no greater joy than to be able to lead someone to Christ.
I Love To Tell The Story!