Sunday, March 20, 2011

PFEBC New Church Website

Our church website continues to be a work in progress.  After a few technical difficulties, we were able to get it online after the Sunday evening service.  Undoubtedly, there are glitches.  We have been working on them for a while.  If you notice some, please let me know.  We will fix them as quickly as we can.

Many of the pictures are still stock photo's that came with the template.  We will be adding more of our own over the next week or so.  We will also be revealing a membership only section in our services in the next week or two.  Members can expect to be able to see church bulletins, prayer lists, and other member specific information like a church directory.  I am excited about the upcoming events box that is located on the home page.  I trust that visiting the site will become a regular part of our member's week.

If you have a suggestion for improvement, we are all ears.  Some ideas will take longer than others.  Special thanks to Larry Vance for his help in putting the site together and working through some of our technical difficulties.